Wednesday 12 November 2014

Mango Yogurt Parfait Recipe for all the Mangoholics!

Mango Yogurt Parfait Recipe for all the Mangoholics!

Mangoes are yet not over and the craving for more and more mangoes is never-ending at my place. So I need to ensure every time the mangoes are getting over in my pantry I need to buy and store more :) . I know this love for mangoes is quite common among many of us. I have been making many recipes at home out of which my mango ice cream is much in demand at home among my kids and not to miss the mango milk shake which my son loves. Though I always loved to have mangoes in the form of puree, the taste of it I developed during our stay in Gujarat in the form of Aamrus or shahi Aamrus, you need to have it to believe it, is all I can say :) .

I am always too hooked to parfait, the main reason behind this is only one and that is because I love having fruits and what better way to have them with a twist. I love to have strawberry parfait and mango yogurt parfait both.  It gives me such a fresh feeling whenever I have any of these though I have also made parfait with orange and pomegranate many a times and the list goes on when it comes to this special breakfast option.
Easy…no I am wrong ….very very Easy to make and simply, no rocket science at all and all you need is just the passion to have it in style! It’s always good to pamper your self too once in a while because life is beautiful, so why not enjoy it!!!!

So here is a treat to your eyes till you finally get up and make this for your self :)
Mango Puree!!!
Mango Yogurt Parfait Recipe for all the Mangoholics!
Rating: 51
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Yield: 2 glasses
Mango Yogurt Parfait Recipe for all the Mangoholics!
  • Mango Puree – 2 Medium ripe mangos
  • Yogurt (Vanilla Flavor) – 200 grams
  •  Low Fat Granola – 2 tablespoons
  •  Mango Cubed – for topping (optional)
Instructions -
  1. Take 2 tall glasses of your choice.
  2. Keep the empty glasses in the freezer for 5 -7 minutes before you start to pour in the layers for the parfait.
  3. After 5 – 7 minutes when the empty glass is also little chilled, spoon in equal amount of mango puree into the glasses very neatly without spreading it over the edges.
  4. Now top each glass with 2 big spoons of yogurt.
  5. After this step I again topped my parfait with one spoonful of mango puree, I wanted more of mango puree for my parfait.
  6. At this step you can add mango cubes on you parfait.
  7. Refrigerate your parfait to set a little more.
  8. Final step is that you need to top each serving with a tablespoon of granola just before serving your parfait.
  9. Top with nuts of your choice & serve!
You can make as many layers as you wish and enjoy this simple yet yummy parfait. Serve cold not ice chilled. Use granola of your choice. Add in dry fruits of your choice if you like more rich flavor. I used full 100 grams yogurt for one serving, you can adjust as per your choice. For an excellent taste from your parfait, go in for a flavored yogurt only.

Mango Phirni (Mango Rice Pudding) Recipe

Mango Phirni (Mango Rice Pudding) Recipe

 Quick Mango Phirni (Mango Rice Pudding) Recipe
Desserts are a big YES at my place but the only twist is all have their own preferences when it comes to desserts. But there is one dessert that is liked by all, yes you thinking right…since I am talking about desserts we can’t miss out on the traditional sweet recipe, it has to be Phirni :) and in the mango season when markets are flooded with different varieties of mangoes, how about having a mango phirni.

Phirni is an Indian Rice Pudding very popular in northern part of the country, it is prepared with Rice and Milk, it can also be prepared with rice flour, usually served in mud pots and is mostly enjoyed when serve chilled because it sets like a pudding.

I always make kesar badam phirni and in the traditional way only, I still remember that my dad use to love having phirni in a khullar (Earthenware/Clay cups) and my mom always made it for him that way only. That time I was only interested in eating this yummy dessert but never thought of trying it myself and now when my dad is not with us, here I am making all such variations in this evergreen traditional recipe. I am sure my dad will be happy watching his little daughter (not little anymore though!!) cook such dishes too…..few memories attached with food too!!!!

Switching myself back to this delicious dessert, I prepared this Mango Phirni over the weekend and it turned out really delicious with a unique flavor of mangos in the phirni. A phirni with a difference …… not at all difficult and surely no rocket science, all you need is rice flour, milk, sugar, cardamom powder and mango puree….that’s it!!!!!

Bring milk to a boil, add in the rice flour paste and keep stirring, pour rice paste slowly and keep stirring so that the rice paste doesn’t stick to the bottom. Add in sugar and mix, keep stirring gently till you see a little thick consistency. Sprinkle cardamom powder and mix.
Allow it to cool for few minutes and gently pour the phirni mixture into broad glasses and allow it to set . refrigerate it for an hour. Once the phirni is set in the glasses, with the spoon pour carefully the mango pulp and spread it evenly over the set phirni. Sprinkle sliced pistachios and few kesar strands over it as garnishing and your mango phirni is ready. You can refrigerate it again for few more minutes to allow mango pulp also to set in to the glass.
This is an amazing recipes and you will feel it when you will have a spoon of it, the mango pulp with the phirni with taste heavenly.

Mango Phirni (Mango Rice Pudding) Recipe
Rating: 51
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
Yield: 4 - 5

Mango Phirni (Mango Rice Pudding) Recipe

  • Milk - 1 litre
  • Mango Puree - 1 cup ( Alphonso Mangoes preferably else any ripe mangoes will do)
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Rice Flour - 3 tablespoons
  • Saffron Strands - 1/2 teaspoon (soaked in 1 tablespoon of warm milk)
  • Pistachios - 8 -10 blanched
  • Cardamom Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Water - 2 tablespoons (to form a rice flour smooth paste)
  • Take a heavy bottom pan, boil milk in it.
  • Take a small bowl, mix rice flour in 2 tablespoon of water and mix well, take care no lumps are formed and you get a smooth paste.
  • Add rice flour paste to the boiled milk and mix it very well, ensure no lumps are formed. When you pour the rice flour paste, keep stirring continuously. By this time your gas should be on low flame till the end.
  • Add in sugar and stir, let it cook on low flame for some time and wait till the sugar is dissolved completely. Also add in cardamom powder and stir again.
  • When you see a thick smooth consistency then your phirni is ready.
  • Remove from flame and allow it to cool a little.
  • Take two broad glasses and pour phirni into the glasses (little more than half) and put the glasses into the refrigerator to cool and also for your phirni to set. (Refrigerate appox for an hour or it can be more also).
  • Remove the glasses and gently pour in 2 tablespoon each of mango puree into the glasses, gently spread it evenly, throw some sliced pistachios on top and also kesar strands for garnishing.
  • Put these glasses back again for 15 -20 minutes if you and your guests can wait else enjoy it right away!

How about having a spoon of this? :) ……

Ferrero Rocher Milk Shake Recipe

Ferrero Rocher Milk Shake Recipe

With the summer swiftly approaching, I’ve been on the lookout for various recipes for shakes & juices. My kids summer vacations are going on and there demands are never-ending at home. Something or the other keeps coming from both of them.
Specially after their swimming sessions which is like morning and evening almost daily, they are so damn hungry that they just want to eat. Kids love the combo of chocolate and ice cream, that’s what makes me prepare lots of chocolate shakes for them with variations. These days I am not able to post any other recipes except for what I am making for them. So many things I am cooking at home but with kids just not getting time to even take photographs or write about the recipes:).
My kids are really fond of shakes and juices. So I made this Ferrero Rocher shake for them the other day. Very delicious, smooth and creamy!!! I had 2 full boxes of Ferrero Rocher chocolates at home. So I felt like using few of them for the shake. Very simple recipe but too yummy.  A great dessert recipe that is simple to make and everyone is sure to enjoy? I love eating Ferrero Raffaello chocolate more than the Ferrero Rocher because of the creamy almond coconut flavor. I also plan to bake a cake with few of these Ferrero Rocher’s soon.
You don’t need too many things for preparing this shake. A simple recipe with just milk, vanilla ice-cream, Ferrero Rocher chocolates, few choco chips and ice cubes…..of course a tall glass to serve!
Ingredients -
  • Ferrero Rocher chocolates - 5 (my kids like more chocolate in the shake, if you like less then keep it to 3 – 4)
  • Vanilla ice cream scoops - 4 medium scoops
  • Milk – 1/2 cup
  • Choco chips – for garnishing on top
  • Sprinklers for garnishing (optional)
  • Chocolate sauce for garnishing (optional)
  • Ice Cubes – 4

Method -
Take a blender, add in vanilla ice cream, Ferrero Rocher chocolates and blend for few seconds, now add milk as per your requirement and blend until smooth.

Add ice cubes and blend again for about 2  – 3 seconds. Your yummy shake is ready to serve, If you wish to have a thicker shake then add in one more scoop of ice cream to it. If you want real sweet shake then add in 2 teaspoons sugar while blending chocolate and ice cream, I avoided adding sugar to it because wanted to have the sweetness through the chocolates and the ice cream.

Few Ideas for garnishing the shake -

Top the shake with few choco chips, ice cream if you want more of it or else some grated Ferrero Rocher chocolate or you can also add in one whole Ferrero Rocher on the top of the glass with vanilla ice cream scoop and serve chilled in a tall glass.

I dipped the outer edges of the glass gently in melted chocolate bowl, with hands poured few sprinklers on it and kept the empty glass in the freezer for few minutes to set. After my shake was ready, I gently poured the Ferrero Rocher milk shake into that glass.

You can use your own creativity to suit your taste. Garnish the way you love it :) .

A Killer Oreo Milk Shake Recipe

A Killer Oreo Milk Shake Recipe
A Killer Oreo Milk Shake (Oreo Ice Cream Flurries)

This one is for my kids specially my daughter, oops for both I guess, coz my little one is just  standing next to me now :) and commenting WHY only Aakaa and not me??… The other day she was studying and I was searching for some good new recipes on the internet and luckily I happened to reach onto Anzz Cafe and the post I saw was WOW, I felt so tempted and couldn’t resist sharing the wonderful Oreo Mc Flurry post of Anzz with my daughter and showed her the clicks too. OMG, you should have seen her reactions!!

My kids are big Oreo freaks (guess all kids are) and they love going to McDonald’s for Oreo Mc Flurry too frequently, even if they get stuffed with the drink they won’t share with me :) . Thank you Anzz of Anzz Cafe for this wonderful recipe.


Here’s a special treat for you all too. This is surprisingly easy to make and totally delicious. Let’s learn about this mouth-watering shake. In my home earlier there were two Oreo flurry freaks but now their super mamma has also joined the gang with them though it’s an occasional indulgence in my case but it was so much fun preparing it at home for my loved ones :)

Ingredients -
Serves : 2 large “Oreo milk shakes”
  • 2 cups Vanilla Ice cream ( I used Amul ice cream)
  • 1/4 cup milk or vanilla soy milk ( I used full cream milk )
  • 8 – 10 Oreo cookies
  • Hershey’s Chocolate syrup
  • Extra Oreo cookies for garnishing   

I simply love what I make!! here we go…..
Method -
Let’s begin by crumbling the cookies, you can use your hands or put them in a zip lock pouch and crush them with masher or hand but do not over crumble the cookies, if you over crumble them then the cookies will break and melt when you combine them with the ice cream. So your cookies should be not like powder. Set the 2 whole cookies aside for garnishing.

Take a medium-sized mixing bowl and add the vanilla ice cream and milk together, gently stir using a spatula (the texture should be thick and not too liquid). The key, as all milkshake devotees know, is the ice cream, so I will suggest you use a good quality Ice Cream for the shake. Add the broken cookies to it and mix lightly. Please ensure not to over mix or under mix the shake. The shake should have few large broken chunks of Oreo cookies in it.

Yummy for my Tummy!!

Now time for pouring the shake (flurry) into the glass, choose a glass that you like, gently pour Hershey’s syrup on the walls of the glass and at the bottom. I placed few broken Oreo cookies too at the bottom of the glass and then slowly added the shake to it. Sprinkle some broken Oreo’s on the top and stick it with one whole cookie too!!
I prepared it 20 minutes before serving to my kids and till then placed both the glasses in the freezer in order to serve them chilled (should not be frozen).

Maa it’s so heavenly!!

Do try this wonderful & easy to make drink for your loved ones. I am sure they will adore it and you too, for such an awesome treat!! 

Mango Ice Cream recipe - Step by step recipe

Mango Ice Cream recipe - Step by step recipe
Everyone loves mangoes and so do I and my family. I made this simple ice cream for my kids and here I am sharing it with you all. All you need is very few ingredients to start making this yummy delight.

This recipe is adapted from my very first food blogger friend, Dassana of veg recipes of India , a very sweet food blogger who is so simple and so helpful :) . I thought of making something from her space and I adapted her mango ice cream recipe. You may be an expert in your own field but if someone handholds you when you get into something really new is like a blessing and for me it was blogging. Thank you so much for your consistent support dear Dassana.

The mango ice cream came out too delicious with flavor of fully ripped Alphonso mangoes and cream.

Step by step recipe for making Mango Ice Cream:

1. Wash, peel and chop the mangoes

2. Add sugar to the mangoes and blend it to a puree in a blender

3. Make a smooth paste and whip it nicely

4. Add cream to the mango puree and whip together

5. Add Vanilla Essence and mix well

6. Mix everything together and pour it into an air tight container, place it in the freezer.  Don't forget to cover it with a tight lid

7. Remove the half set ice cream from the freezer after 2 -3 hours and blend it again to a smooth paste & re freeze it for 4 hours to set nicely

8. When set, scoop & serve it with toppings of your choice & enjoy!

Enjoy this easy & yummy mango ice cream with your loved ones!
Mango Ice Cream
Rating: 51
Prep Time: 8 hours
Total Time: 8 hours
Yield: 6
Serving Size: One Scoop each
Mango Ice Cream
  • • Cream – 1 Cup (I used medium fat cream)
  • • Alphonso mangoes – 3 medium size (I like more mangoes and less cream)
  • • Vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon
  • • Sugar - as required (you can also use powdered jaggery or honey in place of sugar)
  • • Cherries or sprinklers as toppings (you can use any topping of your choice)
  1. Wash, peel and chop the mangoes.
  2. In a blender put the mango chunks and blend to prepare a smooth puree, pulse it for few seconds 
  3. Once pureed, add sugar and blend again 
  4. Add cream to the mango puree and whip it together
  5. Add the vanilla extract and mix well (for a little tangy taste you can add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice - optional)
  6. Take an air tight container, pour & cover it tightly
  7. Place it in the freezer for 3 hours to set partially
  8. Remove the ice cream when half set and whip again for a minute or little more.
  9. Pour the ice cream back and close it with a tight lid, freeze for approx. 3 hours or till it is set.
  10. Scoop the ice cream and serve with toppings of your choice

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Pomegranate & Potato in Yogurt | Anardana Aloo Ka Raita Recipe

Pomegranate & Potato in Yogurt | Anardana Aloo Ka Raita Recipe
It’s one of those real simple recipes where you don’t need to put in lot of effort or preparations. I make this regularly at home , my daughter loves to have Boondi Raita a lot or for both my kids it has to be plain yogurt with sugar. Fruits in Yogurt, Mango Parfait or Strawberry Parfait. They just love all these.
Anardana Raita is a simple recipe, you need  plain yogurt,  nicely beaten and thick. If you don’t like too thick then you can add in very little water to it. This time when I made it, it was Navratri going on and our fasting day. It goes very well with Navaratri Food and also with regular meals. I love it both with rice and parathas.
All you need to keep in mind is that if you are using the homemade curd then it should not be sour or too liquid, it should be served chilled. So incase you plan to serve this for dinner then do prepare it in the evening and keep the bowl to chill. It tastes great when chilled. Do not add in boiled potatoes to the raita when they are hot, allow them to nicely cool and only then add in to the bowl of curd.
You can also adjust the spices and sugar that needs to be mixed into the Raita. If I make it specifically for my kids then I prefer to keep the spices little less as have shared in the recipe. Else you can also add little chopped green chilies too :) !
Check out this simple and super refreshing Recipe and enjoy!
Pomegranate & Potato in Yogurt | Anardana Aloo Ka Raita Recipe
Pomegranate & Potato in Yogurt | Anardana Aloo Ka Raita Recipe
  • • Pomegranates – ½ cup
  • • Boiled Potatoes – 1 Medium or 2 small
  • • Salt – ½ teaspoon
  • • Powdered Cumin – ½ teaspoon
  • • Yogurt – 2 cups
  • • Powdered Sugar – ½ teaspoon
  1. Beat the yogurt till smooth in a bowl.
  2. Chop boiled potatoes into small cubes.
  3. Add potatoes to the yoghurt bowl.
  4. Add in salt, sugar, cumin powder and mix well.
  5. Add pomegranate pearls, mix it.
  6. Garnish it with pomegranate pearls, mint leaves and allow it to chill.
  7. Serve it with rice/paratha and dry vegetables.

Perfect to beat the heat :) !

Sweet and Spicy Raw Mango Chutney | Aam Ki Chutney | Aam Ka Chunda / Chundo

Sweet and Spicy Raw Mango Chutney | Aam Ki Chutney | Aam Ka Chunda / Chundo

Mangoes are called the king of fruits and I fully agree with it not that I don’t love other fruits, I am actually a fruitoholic and can have any to every fruit on this earth without even a single crib :) ! Sadly I my kids are just so unlike me and throw so much tantrums to eat fruits. But they love Mangoes. As soon as the mangoes start flooding the hyper markets, I am all geared up to make various recipes from Mangoes. My kids love Mango Ice Cream, Mango Panna, Mango Lassi, Mango Cake, Aam Rus , Mango Phirni and  the list just goes on.
Along with so many Mango dishes pouring in at home, the most important ones are the Mango Pickles and the Mango Chutney, which are a must in every season. This Mango Chutney is prepared by my sister-in-law and I loved the texture and color of the chutney. Here I am sharing the common recipe we follow in our home.

Mango chutney/ Lacha is quite popular in North India and even in Gujarat, theplas and mango chunda form the staple diet and loved in all Gujarati Families till now. This is prepared with the “LADWA” (a round variety of raw mangoes) but we have used the green raw mango which was available in the market.

Always store the Chutney in a clean, dry glass container and use dry spoon to take out the chutney for a longer shelf  life. My Mom is very particular on this when it comes to both the pickles and chutney’s. And I follow the same now at my place.